Speech Communication

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In the fall of 2016, it was determined that Writing and Rhetoric/English Composition and Speech Communication would join the curriculum alignment initiative. This began as a focused effort between UCF and Valencia College in preparation for instruction at a joint, downtown campus. At the initial meeting, held in March 2017, the disciplines began initial and combined discussion of both writing and speech courses.

Since 2018, the disciplines have met separately, and discussions regarding Speech Communication have engaged with all of the DirectConnect to UCF partners.


The Speech Communication course being discussed for alignment:

  • SPC X608 Fundamentals of Speech

Note: The “X” in the course number indicates that the lower-division course is taught as either a 1000- or 2000-level. The course title will vary by institution.

News and Announcements

To the faculty and advisors engaged in Curriculum Alignment, resources to support discussions are found on the MS Teams site. This includes meeting agendas and minutes, syllabi, and other course resources.